
A CBD Supplier for Health & Wellness Providers

Many in the public have questions about CBD.  Is it legal?  How does it help my body?  Who can advise me on what CBD product to use? Where is a reputable place to buy it?


Health and wellness providers also have questions.  How can I supply my patients with CBD products that will help them improve and maintain their health?  Where can I find CBD products that are third party tested by an independent lab, and have confidence that the contents shown on the label are indeed the contents inside the bottle?  Which company produces CBD products in high enough concentrations that my patients can receive full benefits of the healing power of CBD?  What CBD provider will make it easy for me to provide products to my patients, and easy for my patients to acquire the products from me?


BioEase is working hard to answer these questions.  BioEase produces highly concentrated CBD products that are third party tested and are available to the public through health and wellness providers.  Providers can have confidence that the products they recommend to their clients are consistent, and in concentrated amounts that will help provide the full healing power of CBD.  The public can purchase CBD from people they trust, the health and wellness provider they have already chosen to help them on their personal wellness journey.